Wednesday, September 25, 2013

아파트 단지의 공간 정치

경향신문 대담에서 박인석 교수는 계획당국이 아파트 단지 개발에 무임승차하여 인프라를 확충해온 것을 지적하고 있으며, 박철수 교수는 이와 같은 무임승차가 어떻게 아파트 단지의 울타리 치기로 이어졌는지 설명하고 있다.
박인석 = 아파트 단지 개발은 한국 자본주의 축적체제가 고도화하는 과정에서 다른 문제를 잠재워준 기제였다. 중산층이 늘고 주거환경 욕구 수준은 높아졌지만 공공투자 없이 방치된 도시 환경은 저열한 상태였다. 이 상황에서 나온 것이 단지화 전략이었다. 공공이 투자해야 마땅한 도로, 녹지, 어린이집, 노인정 같은 인프라를 아파트 단지로 만들어 판매하도록 한 것이다. 온 국민이 평생 저축하며 아파트 마련에 힘쓰고 국가는 공공투자 없이 인프라 공급 문제를 해결했다.
박철수 = 아파트는 한국이 각개약진사회의 한복판에 있음을 잘 보여준다. 한국은 공적 기관, 공적 주체, 공공에 대해 신뢰가 없다. 강준만 교수 말대로 한국인은 공적인 부분은 불신하고, 사적인 부분엔 정열을 갖고 있다. 그게 잘 드러나는 게 아파트 단지다. 아파트 단지는 공공이 제공해야 할 모든 시설을 제 돈 주고 구입하는 것이다. 구입한 다음 바로 담장을 둘러치고 차단기로 막아서 아무도 못 들어오게 하는 것이다. 사적 정열의 표상이다.

[책과 삶]“아파트 단지가 문제… 공공성 아닌 집단이익 추구로 민주·평등화 제약” - 경향신문:

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Gated community interview

I've had 3 interviews for my gated community research as of yesterday. Interview is stressful to arrange, conduct and record but gives me much satisfaction in knowing more people and discover live knowledge. There were two things to note for yesterday's interviews.

1. Use of new technology

I bought a tablet computer before the interview after much hesitation. I was worried that the expensive device would be only used as a gadget to play with. However, yesterday's interview well proved its utility.

First, I didn't need to print out all the reading materials to read during my way to the interview place. I could read them with the tablet without having to carry heavy printouts. Second, I didn't need to print out plans for the interviewee to explain for me. The interviewee could explain his plan seeing the tablet screen and draw on it using stylus pen. The drawing was instantly saved in the tablet. The only shortcoming was the relatively small size of the screen (8").

2. Impact of the interview

My two previous interviews didn't affect the interviewees a lot because the subject of the interview was either a past event or general strategy. It was different this time. The subject of yesterday was about the reconstruction plan of an apartment complex. I pointed out the possibility of post-construction gating by residents and this had evidently not been considered by any participant of the project. I was worried and excited at the same time by the possibility of the impact of my interview for the course of the project although the chance of impact seemed to be slim. With this reason, interviews with the homeowners shouldn't be conducted because they may react a lot stronger for the possibility of gating.

Mathmatical analysis on Haussmannisation of Paris

How could one imagine Haussmannisation of Paris to be analyzed mathmatically?

Can One Man Change the Shape of an Entire City? - Emily Badger - The Atlantic Cities:

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Rise of Parisian skyline

Interesting article about the change of old Parisian skyline. Personally I don't want to see Paris becomes London: an architctural mayhem.

Could the City of Light Become the City of Height? - Feargus O'Sullivan - The Atlantic Cities:

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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The Threat of Gated Communities

The Retreat at Twin Lakes, where Martin died, is the kind of place where people choose to live when they want to be safe – from crime, from outsiders, from economic uncertainty. Of course, it doesn’t always work that way. By fostering suspicion and societal divisions, the argument goes, gated communities can paradoxically compromise safety rather than increasing it. And because they cut residents off from the larger community, writes Edward Blakely, author ofFortress America, they can “shrink the notion of civic engagement and allow residents to retreat from civic responsibility.”

The Threat of Gated Communities - Sarah Goodyear - The Atlantic Cities:
  • JUL 15, 2013